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spezial:betaversion [2023/05/26 14:11] jueffspezial:betaversion [2024/10/23 16:44] (aktuell) hardi
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-04.11.22:\\ +3.3.2C 
-fix SwitchC issue with ESP32\\ +    22.09.24- Added the "#define USE_SX_INTERFACE" line back to modul M06_Write_Header. For some readins this line 
-- change release to 3.2.1A\\ +                has been removed from 3.3.2 to 3.3.2C. It is importand to use Selectrix 
-20.12.22:\\ +              change to beta 3.3.2C 
-add missing code for old "slow" build\\ +              - LEDs_AutoProg.ino: Changed the selectrix pin definitions: 
-21.12.22:\\ +                  #define SX_SIGNAL_PIN 13   // 22.09.24:  Old: 4 
-fix issue that AVR build fails caused by vbcr in LEDs_Autoprog.h -> replace by vbcrlf\\ +                  #define SX_CLOCK_PIN  4    // 22.09.24:  Old: 13 
-- change release to 3.2.1B\\ +                Now they should work with the ESP32 Adapter and the new ESP32 mainboard 
-21.12.22:\\ +              - Attention: With FastLED version 3.4.0 the WS2812 LEDs sometimes flash when quick changes to the 
-add missing macros InCh_to_LocalVar, InCh_to_LocalVar1 and Bin_InCh_to_TmpVar1 to sheet Lib_Macros\\ +                locomotive speed are made. With version 3.6.0 and higher this no longer occurs. 
-05.01.23:\\ + 
-Store_Status: support SwitchB, extend max. InCnt to 63, check max InCnt, use Set_Input for SwitchB\\ +3.3.2B 
-14.01.23:\\ +    10.03.24: - add SI_LocalVar to predefined system variables 
-Add macro SingleLedSignal and SingleLedSignalEx\\ +              - add replacement of "$" in macro arguments 
-- change release to 3.2.1C\\ +              - force a rebuild if ALT key is pressed 
-10.03.23:\\ +              - empty compiler cache if last ATMega build failed 
-Support of new input type "feedback"\\ +              - import latest version of GetLocalOneDrivePath script from 
-process CAN messages from ATTiny_CAN_GBM module\\ + 
-new macro include to include excel sub sheets\\ +3.3.2A 
-- experminatal support of ProgGenerator stored in a Onedrive folder\\ +    29.12.23: - keep active sheet on Update_All_Start_LedNr function exit 
-21.03.23:\\ +    18.01.24: - new function SafeChDriveAndDir with Additional check for network drives (#11425) 
-if SEND_INPUT is enabled also SwitchA, SwitchD and Variable changes are notified\\ +    19.01.24: - improved selection of old prog generator filename when updating to new release/beta 
-09.04.23:\\ +              - add experimental support of LNet for ESP32 
-GEN_BUTTON_RELASE mode are now setable in config sheet\\ +    20.01.24: - fix LastFilledRowIn_ChkAll 
-18.04.23:\\ +              - fix detection of first RGB_Heartbeat line while import 
-Finalize include sheet feature\\ +              - change release to beta 3.3.2A 
-26.05.23:\\ + 
-fix issue that AVR build fails caused by vbcr in LEDs_Autoprog.h -> replace by vbcrlf\\ +3.2.1A 
-change release to 3.2.1D\\+    04.11.22 fix SwitchC issue with ESP32 
 +    20.12.22 add missing code for old "slow" build 
 +    21.12.22 fix issue that AVR build fails caused by vbcr in LEDs_Autoprog.h -> replace by vbcrlf 
 +    21.12.22 add missing macros InCh_to_LocalVar, InCh_to_LocalVar1 and Bin_InCh_to_TmpVar1 to sheet Lib_Macros 
 +    05.01.23 Store_Status: support SwitchB, extend max. InCnt to 63, check max InCnt, use Set_Input for SwitchB 
 +    14.01.23 Add macro SingleLedSignal and SingleLedSignalEx 
 +    10.03.23 Support of new input type "feedback" 
 +    10.03.23 process CAN messages from ATTiny_CAN_GBM module 
 +    10.03.23 new macro include to include excel sub sheets 
 +    10.03.23 experimental support of ProgGenerator stored in a Onedrive folder 
 +    21.03.23 if SEND_INPUT is enabled also SwitchA, SwitchD and Variable changes are notified 
 +    09.04.23 GEN_BUTTON_RELASE mode are now setable in config sheet 
 +    18.04.23 Finalize include sheet feature 
 +    26.05.23 fix issue that AVR build fails caused by vbcr in LEDs_Autoprog.h -> replace by vbcrlf 
 +    18.05.23: LNet support for Arduino platform added 
 +    13.09.23: - Hardi: Merged Hardis changes for the Word Clock 
 +                Added OutCnt to the MLL Extentions 
 +                Don't generate warning if "Pattern" macro is found 
 +                Added define COPYLED_OFF and COPYLED_OFF_ONCE 
 +    15.09.23: - New Macro Set_LEDNr added 
 +    18.09.23: - New Macro CopyNLEDs added 
 +    20.10.23: - Juergen: fix #10763 
 +    23.10.23: - Juergen: revert one of Hardis changes - fixes problem #10 reported by Nessie  
 +    29.11.23: - Hardi:New Icons from Michael 
 +    30.11.23: - Hardi: Added Juergens changes again 
 +    04.11.23: - Juergen: fix #10159 - fastbuild.cmd has wrong Unix line ending 
 +    04.12.23: - Juergen ensure that included sheet uses same protocol as the main sheet 
 +    09.12.23: - Juergen add experimental support of ATMega328PB 
 +              - enable bootloader update without need to set jumpers (Mainboard version >= 1.8.2)
spezial/betaversion.1685110310.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2023/05/26 15:11 (Externe Bearbeitung)