- release_version
- t run with UserDir containing blank chars Fix LED_to_var - Led_Offs to 31. See #6899 Fix VB6 FindWindow Issue #6914 ... s LED pin (New channels 0, 5-16). New method "LED_to_Var()" to set variables controlled by the LED values. I... er wise NUM_LEDS is 0 New function "Mainboard_LED(MB_LED, InCh)" which could be used to use the mainboard LEDs as status LEDs Added m... elais()" Ver.: 1.0.6 06.06.20: Added Mishas LED Previev and Mux functions to the Pattern_Configurator Using Harolds new py
- betaversion
- P32 mainboard - Attention: With FastLED version 3.4.0 the WS2812 LEDs sometimes flash when quick changes to the locomotive speed are made. Wi... onger occurs. 3.3.2B 10.03.24: - add SI_LocalVar to predefined system variables - add r... crlf 3.2.1C 21.12.22 add missing macros InCh_to_LocalVar, InCh_to_LocalVar1 and Bin_InCh_to_TmpVar1 to sheet Lib_Macros 05.01.23 Store_Status: support SwitchB, extend max. InCnt to 63, check max I