Der Einstieg in die MobaLedLib:
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aktuell verwendete Versionen
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Dies ist eine alte Version des Dokuments!
04.11.22 fix SwitchC issue with ESP32
20.12.22 add missing code for old "slow" build 21.12.22 fix issue that AVR build fails caused by vbcr in LEDs_Autoprog.h -> replace by vbcrlf
21.12.22 add missing macros InCh_to_LocalVar, InCh_to_LocalVar1 and Bin_InCh_to_TmpVar1 to sheet Lib_Macros 05.01.23 Store_Status: support SwitchB, extend max. InCnt to 63, check max InCnt, use Set_Input for SwitchB 14.01.23 Add macro SingleLedSignal and SingleLedSignalEx
10.03.23 Support of new input type "feedback" 10.03.23 process CAN messages from ATTiny_CAN_GBM module 10.03.23 new macro include to include excel sub sheets 10.03.23 experimental support of ProgGenerator stored in a Onedrive folder 21.03.23 if SEND_INPUT is enabled also SwitchA, SwitchD and Variable changes are notified 09.04.23 GEN_BUTTON_RELASE mode are now setable in config sheet 18.04.23 Finalize include sheet feature 26.05.23 fix issue that AVR build fails caused by vbcr in LEDs_Autoprog.h -> replace by vbcrlf