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aktuell verwendete Versionen
- offizieller Release
- aktuelle Betaversion
22.09.24: - Added the "#define USE_SX_INTERFACE" line back to modul M06_Write_Header. For some readins this line has been removed from 3.3.2 to 3.3.2C. It is importand to use Selectrix - change to beta 3.3.2C - LEDs_AutoProg.ino: Changed the selectrix pin definitions: #define SX_SIGNAL_PIN 13 // 22.09.24: Old: 4 #define SX_CLOCK_PIN 4 // 22.09.24: Old: 13 Now they should work with the ESP32 Adapter and the new ESP32 mainboard - Attention: With FastLED version 3.4.0 the WS2812 LEDs sometimes flash when quick changes to the locomotive speed are made. With version 3.6.0 and higher this no longer occurs.
10.03.24: - add SI_LocalVar to predefined system variables - add replacement of "$" in macro arguments - force a rebuild if ALT key is pressed - empty compiler cache if last ATMega build failed - import latest version of GetLocalOneDrivePath script from
29.12.23: - keep active sheet on Update_All_Start_LedNr function exit 18.01.24: - new function SafeChDriveAndDir with Additional check for network drives (#11425) 19.01.24: - improved selection of old prog generator filename when updating to new release/beta - add experimental support of LNet for ESP32 20.01.24: - fix LastFilledRowIn_ChkAll - fix detection of first RGB_Heartbeat line while import - change release to beta 3.3.2A
04.11.22 fix SwitchC issue with ESP32
20.12.22 add missing code for old "slow" build
21.12.22 fix issue that AVR build fails caused by vbcr in LEDs_Autoprog.h -> replace by vbcrlf
21.12.22 add missing macros InCh_to_LocalVar, InCh_to_LocalVar1 and Bin_InCh_to_TmpVar1 to sheet Lib_Macros 05.01.23 Store_Status: support SwitchB, extend max. InCnt to 63, check max InCnt, use Set_Input for SwitchB 14.01.23 Add macro SingleLedSignal and SingleLedSignalEx
10.03.23 Support of new input type "feedback" 10.03.23 process CAN messages from ATTiny_CAN_GBM module 10.03.23 new macro include to include excel sub sheets 10.03.23 experimental support of ProgGenerator stored in a Onedrive folder 21.03.23 if SEND_INPUT is enabled also SwitchA, SwitchD and Variable changes are notified 09.04.23 GEN_BUTTON_RELASE mode are now setable in config sheet 18.04.23 Finalize include sheet feature 26.05.23 fix issue that AVR build fails caused by vbcr in LEDs_Autoprog.h -> replace by vbcrlf
18.05.23: - LNet support for Arduino platform added 13.09.23: - Hardi: Merged Hardis changes for the Word Clock Added OutCnt to the MLL Extentions Don't generate warning if "Pattern" macro is found Added define COPYLED_OFF and COPYLED_OFF_ONCE
15.09.23: - New Macro Set_LEDNr added 18.09.23: - New Macro CopyNLEDs added 20.10.23: - Juergen: fix #10763 23.10.23: - Juergen: revert one of Hardis changes - fixes problem #10 reported by Nessie
29.11.23: - Hardi:New Icons from Michael
30.11.23: - Hardi: Added Juergens changes again
04.11.23: - Juergen: fix #10159 - fastbuild.cmd has wrong Unix line ending 04.12.23: - Juergen ensure that included sheet uses same protocol as the main sheet 09.12.23: - Juergen add experimental support of ATMega328PB - enable bootloader update without need to set jumpers (Mainboard version >= 1.8.2)